Sunday, May 20, 2012

Last Blog Post EVER

Well Mr. Goertz, this year has been a great year. I've thoroughly enjoyed your class, so for my last blog post as a 2012 senior, I just wanted to share some of my favorite physics memories. Probably my all time favorite was you jumping into the wall and singing. After that, my next couple favorite memories were probably on Kairos and karaoke. I especially enjoyed working on the circuits, and that was probably my favorite unit of the whole year. So thanks Mr. Goertz, for a really fun year. I hope our class didnt cause you too much trouble, and I know this blog probably won't have the full three hundred words required but I hope you will show some mercy.

Have a good summer Mr. Goertz, and let me know when you get that motorcycle.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Blog 30

This is one of only a few blogs left, so I have to make these count. And since its the end of the year, I hope you, Mr. Goertz, will be more lenient on the topics I choose, because these topics are just going to be the absolute most fun topics about things that I like, and not really having much to do with physics or anything else really. Today's topic will be about some of the coolest/weirdest discoveries about history that changes our perception of history.

1) Ancient Egyptians used cocaine, tobacco, and hashish. In the early 1990's, 1992 to be exact, German scientists were testing some unknown particles on several different mummies from many different time periods, and they found several drugs. Now they figured that somehow the mummies could have been contaminated from hard partying archaeologists, so they got an independent lab to redo the tests, and they found the same particles. Now the reason that this is very odd and changes the way that people view things is because cocaine came from the Americas and tobacco came from Europe and America, which means that there was trading going on before it was known that established trade routes were known.

2) This one I don't know much about, but in the 1980's a Giant stone containing the 10 commandments was discovered in Arizona. The only problem was, it was in Hebrew, and testing has placed the writing between 500-2000 years old. Now that is before people came from that place to the americas. It has often been denounced as a hoax, but since so many people have handled the stone, it may be impossible to tell now.