Thursday, April 12, 2012

Blog 28-awesome music

Well this blog is slightly off the beaten path, in terms of content, but since we do listen to at least one song per day in class so I figured this blog was close enough content-wise to count for a good grade. My musical tastes seperate into two main categories, normal music, and epic music. Most normal music I listen to is pretty mainstream, such as country, rock, and thats honestly about it. But what I enjoy listening to most is a genre of music called "epic" rock. These are the really cool songs that make it into trailers for movies and games. This style of music turns anything you are doing into something 200 million times more awesome. These kind of songs make you feel like you can do anything, and if you're studying, you are studying to save the world. If you are walking the dog, it makes you feel like if you do not do the best possible job walking that dog then something terrible will happen, so you walk that dog epically. These kind of songs are my favorite sport pump up and workout songs because they don't have words and are not particularly strong or hardcore songs, they just make you feel like you can do anything in the world.

Instead of pictures, here are some links to my favorites.

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