Sunday, April 15, 2012

Blog 29

I figured that since I had some spare time today I would knock out a blog a week in advance, just to keep me on the right track. Since there is nothing that I can talk about that we have done in class, instead I will write my blog on the terrible weather that was/is occuring yesterday and today. Unfortunately, at least 5 people were killed Saturday due to over 4 dozen tornados that occured Saturday afternoon, Saturday evening, and Sunday morning. The worst is not yet over however. The storms are expected to increase in intensity as they move East Sunday. By the time this blog is read and the grade is entered, I expect that we will see the full damage and magnitude of the storms. I've always wondered why certain areas in the United States see worse storms than others. My biggest question was why Austin seems to always be right on the very last outside edge of the storms, and we never seem to get bad tornados or anything near as severe as Dallas or other northern cities in Texas. Luckily for me, Mr. Goertz told me why its much rarer for tornados to strike here. It has to do with the hills and the other terrain around the part of Austin where we are located. Apparently, tornados are sentient and prefer to have an easier job of destroying things rather than working hard to do their job. Thats fortunate.

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