Sunday, February 26, 2012

Blog 23-Iran

Today, my blog is on an issue that seems to be popping up quite a bit, with good reason. Iran and their nuclear potential. There are two sides to this story, and somehow I feel the truth is in the middle of the two extremes. On one hand, there is Iran, who have been showing quite a few signs that they are developing nukes, such as moving their facilities deep underground (outside of the striking capabilities of Israel), vehmently denying that there are nukes, refusing to allow weapons inspectors inside their country (sound familiar? Pretty sure we went through this a few years ago with another country that starts with an I), as well as buying a large amount of uranium from the Russians. In recent developments, Israel seems quite keen to strike at the heart of these weapons facilities, and perform a preemtive attack, just to be safe. However, if that happens, and Iran retaliates with force, and not just "tough" words, that could quickly mean the U.S., England, Australia, and a few other of Israel's biggest supporters could be called on to enter the fight, which would leave the position of the U.S. in a precarious situation. As President Obama wants to be reelected (sadly), the last thing he wants to do is get involved in another war (because he promised to finish them). But alternately, if Israel strikes and he chooses not to get involved, it could also be bad for him, and the US, because people would think we don't look out for our allies. Basically, if Israel strikes, its a lose/lose situation for him.

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